Chat with Data

Executive Summary

Conversational artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing how people interact with data. New frameworks like LangChain and tools like ChatGPT allow users to "chat" with their data, ask questions in plain language, and get insights through a natural dialog. This white paper explores the emerging category of conversational AI for data analysis, including key capabilities, benefits, and real-world use cases.

Key highlights:

  • Conversational AI eliminates the need for specialized data skills like SQL or Python, democratizing access to data insights for all users

  • Natural language conversations with data yield faster time-to-insight compared to traditional BI tools

  • Multi-model integrations in LangChain enable more dynamic and contextually-aware data analyses

  • Early adopters are using conversational AI for applications like customer support chatbots, data profiling, and augmented data science workflows

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Key Capabilities

3. Benefits

4. Use Cases

5. Implementation Best Practices

6. Looking Ahead


Accessing and deriving value from data has historically required specialized skills like SQL, statistics, or programming languages. This made data insights exclusive to technical roles like data analysts and data scientists. However, conversational AI is changing this status quo by enabling anyone to "chat" with data and get answers in plain, conversational language.

Powerful new frameworks like LangChain allow the integration of large language models with databases and other data sources. This lets users query data through natural dialog instead of SQL or other query languages. Complementary tools like chatbots and virtual assistants leverage these capabilities to deliver data insights conversationally.

As conversational AI for data analysis gains broader adoption, it has the potential to democratize access to data insights across organizations. Users without technical skills can self-serve insights, while technical roles can achieve greater productivity and focus more on value-add analysis.

Key Capabilities

Conversational AI brings three key capabilities to the table for easier data analysis:

  • Natural Language Interface: The most important capability is the natural language, conversational interface. Users can ask plain language questions and articulate their information needs conversationally, without structured query languages.

  • Multi-Model Integration: Frameworks like LangChain enable seamless integration of large language models with databases and other data stores. This powers more dynamic conversations guided by the context.

  • Augmented Analytics: Since conversational AI systems have access to vast information, they can augment human analysis with contextual facts, summaries, and recommendations relevant to the conversation and data questions.


  • Conversational interfaces unlock significant benefits for both technical and non-technical users when analyzing data:

  • Faster Time to Insight: Asking questions conversationally, without the overhead of mastering query languages, means faster paths to uncovering insights from data.

  • User Autonomy: Enabling self-service data access through conversations gives users more autonomy over their analytics needs.

  • Democratization: Conversational AI eliminates the skills barrier for working with data, bringing analytics to more business stakeholders.

  • Richer Perspectives: Integrating external information adds more context and color to data perspectives uncovered through natural dialogs.

Use Cases

  • While conversational AI for data analysis is still evolving, early adopters are finding value across many use cases:

  • Customer Support: Chatbots that understand customer data can resolve support tickets faster with greater personalization.

  • Data Profiling: Quickly getting insights through conversational queries helps analysts profile and understand datasets.

  • Augmented Data Science: Data scientists can use conversational interfaces to enrich their analytics and gather relevant facts.

  • Reinforcement Learning: Conversational systems can even rapidly analyze simulation data to teach AI agents new behaviors.

Implementation Best Practices

  • Getting started with conversational AI for data analysis involves focusing on a few best practices:

  • Start Small: Begin with a narrowly defined used case and dataset to validate capabilities before expanding.

  • Ensure Data Quality: Clean, well-structured data is essential for accurate conversational insights.

  • Leverage Pre-Training: Use existing language model capabilities before fine-tuning on custom data.

  • Active Learning is Key: Continuously collect feedback through conversations to improve performance.

  • Govern Carefully: Establish guidelines for appropriate data access and conversational conduct.

Looking Ahead

While still in its early days, conversational AI has the potential to fundamentally evolve both self-service analytics and augmented intelligence. As capabilities improve, more enterprises will leverage conversational interfaces for simpler data access and contextual insights. The future offers richer, more natural data conversations between users and AI assistants.